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Babson Men are Undatable

Babson Men are Undatable

By: Genesis Sanchez

Well, folks, you've heard about it on Fizz, you've seen others post about it, and some friends might have even told you that Babson men are "undatable." They're allegedly snobby, selfish, disrespectful guys who are only interested in lustful hookups, never a chance for romance. Before denying or accepting these claims as fact, it should be said such a heavy statement deserves some unpacking. But before you start imagining a horde of wild yet strangely charming creatures known as Babson men, let us take a moment to dissect this juicy piece of gossip.  

Remember the good ol' days of high school romance? Partnerships often thrived within the sacred walls of the school, where love was subject to a strict timetable. But things have evolved. We have moved on from the days when a relationship could be a secret mission, concealed from prying eyes and scrutinizing parents. Regardless of our high school experiences, here we are now as students pooled together to live on a diverse campus full of people with a variety of lived experiences and many lessons to learn about love and life.  

Our environment affects perceptions of groups of people and social behavior in college more than ever. As college-aged adults, our chapter of adolescence has technically ended, and we are more responsible for how we think, what we do, and how others react to both. Rumors spread quickly, and generalizations are popularized even more quickly. When stereotypes take root, they leave little room for folks to be themselves and break free from the mold. For a prestigious business school like Babson, already accused of being a haven for entitled, money-hungry students from affluent backgrounds, these stereotypes about male behavior do not exactly help with the dating game.   

But let us not forget about the Gen Z twist in the plot. Meeting people and staying connected is easier than ever. Current trends show that Gen Z has shifted priorities regarding relationships in general. Much of our lives has involved technology from very early on in our childhoods, which inherently altered the way we interact with one another. Yet, wait for it. Let us not forget how Gen Zs changed the game. More than our preceding generation, we seek partnerships that add value to our lives without making us feel like we are trading fun in the moment for progress in long-term goals. We have lost enough of it, especially after the years of mandatory quarantine that highlighted the importance of finding people willing to stick by you and bear you in mind no matter the distance. But we're living in the digital age, my friends. Love and technology are like the best buddies who can't decide where to order takeout from. Meeting people and staying connected is easier than ever. According to the Washinton Post 44% of Gen Z would rather scrub toilets than endure another online date and a staggering 79% of Americans agree that finding the right partner is more challenging than landing the right job. Ouch! This shows that, although easier, relationship-building online is losing its appeal very quickly. We say it jokingly all the time, there are a number of things we don't want to be doing "in this economy".  

Over 60% of singles increasingly agree that "dating is becoming an unaffordable luxury," reshaping the future of dating as we know it. With inflation rates rising, people prioritizing financial stability above or alongside finding their spark are opting for activities rather than going out to eat and drink. So, people are getting creative – turning to local dates, enjoying home-cooked meals, and cutting back on gift-giving. After all, who needs an inflated five-course meal when you've got a mouthwatering plate of homemade lasagna? While this all sounds depressing for the dating scene, the bigger picture is simply our dating scene has changed, and we must change accordingly.   

Now, in the quest for love on campus, the keyword is "realism". Embrace the new normal, understand that not everyone has updated their dating profiles just yet. It is all about setting expectations early on so both parties know where they stand. Want something casual? Shout it from the rooftops! Starting to catch those lovey-dovey vibes? Do not wait until you think you are stuck or feel neglected if the energy isn't reciprocated. We all deserve to be respected and loved while we find ourselves and our passion projects. As one Fizz user said, "People sh*t on Babson men, but I would say some of them are actually gentlemen," receiving 966 fizz ups a month ago. Yes, this one instance might be more promising than some people's experiences but analyzing values and prioritizing your own – maybe the next encounter will pleasantly surprise you, or maybe you'll chalk it up to a simple misalignment and keep looking. Either way, the adventure continues!  



 Work Cited

Yaseen, Renee. “Why Online Dating Isn’t a Perfect Match for Generation Z,” The Washington Post, 29 June 2023. Accessed 20 November 2023. 


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